Our Trip Planner’s aim is to assist you to plan your trip and have a memorable experience as you visit Tasmania’s unique garden attractions.  We understand that good planning usually helps to avoid potentially stressful experiences that may otherwise detract from your visit.

Our Peak Flowering Times table is attached as a pdf so that you may view or download as you wish.  Of course this is about peak flowering times, and whilst some flowers have a relatively brief flowering period, others extend well beyond the times stated.  Our Christmas Bells (Blandfordia punicea), for instance, may be found in flower from November through to late autumn in some areas, but are usually at their best in December and January.

Every season will vary, but the times stated in our table will help you to maximise your chances of seeing any particular flower at it’s best.

Our Tasmanian Road Distance Calculator will help you plan what is comfortable for you to cover in your day’s travel. Whilst Tasmanian roads are generally of a good standard, our varied, and sometimes rugged topography, is a little more challenging than a typical interstate highway, so do allow plenty of time for each part of your journey.

As on other pages you can click VIEW LARGER MAP and view, download or print a larger version of our current Blooming Tasmania Map.

You may also download a pdf copy of our current Blooming Tasmania Guide.  Alternatively, you may request a paper copy of the current Blooming Tasmania Guide be posted to you free of charge.

The following links may also be of assistance in your planning process:

Discover Tasmania is Tourism Tasmania’s recently upgraded website that offers information & further links.

Parks Tasmania is the website of Tasmania’s Parks & Wildlife Service. This includes a host of very useful information to further enhance your Tasmanian journey.

If there is any other way that you would like to see Blooming Tasmania provide assistance with visitor planning, please send us your thoughts via this Contact Us link.